If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.

-African Proverb

The peer group model is not new.  Thousands of entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives thrive and grow by membership in a peer group.  Vistage International, Renaissance Executive Forum, Inner Circle, EO, TAB.  This is merely a sample of such groups.  Check them out if you wish, they are composed of executives in non-competing companies across the SIC spectrum.

We’re Different; It’s Accountability

HCPG is based in the High Country, created by and facilitated by an experienced peer group coach to help business owners and other leaders, in non-competing market segments, grow and thrive and to avoid mistakes/pitfalls.  There primary purpose of a peer group is to question your answers and to provide you the accountability partners for meeting your goals.  There are two primary features of each group:

  • A monthly group meeting, in a confidential session, where each member brings not only their questions, but also their experiences (both good and not-so-good) to the table.  They each challenge the assumptions of the others and, in turn, grow.

  • A monthly 90-minute confidential coaching session between only you and the facilitator, an experienced executive coach.  This is a private, safe-haven to have open, honest, forthright conversations and seek the guidance and accountability you need.

Grow Faster; It’s Proven

Past experience indicates that peer group members grow their companies faster, and with fewer ‘hiccups’ than non-peer group leaders. – in fact, the delta in growth (between peer group members and non-peer group members) can approximate 6-8 percentage points difference.

Avoid Mistakes; It’s Stupid Insurance

It is insurance against stupid, one of my past peer group members succinctly said, as he recognized the money he just saved by asking a vexing question and listening to advice of his peers.  He continued [laughing], “I just paid for two years of dues” in these savings.

Membership is by invitation only and open to consultants only.  See what other past members have said.