Yikes, with so many ‘things’ to juggle, how can I lead?

I try to drive my organization’s growth and profitability including surviving in this unsettling environment and It mostly seems I have the right people but getting them to work is like pushing a wet noodle up hill.  Yikes, I’m frustrated.

And, I often feel isolated and lonely --- all day I am surrounded by people wanting answers – customers, staff, and vendors.  In the evening hours I have a family.  I am never alone, but I’m lonely and isolated.

What is preventing me from doing my best?  Am I getting in my own way?  

A business coach shared these six problems which hinder effective leadership, and I’m thinking about them today.

Lack of Empathy
Do I display deep feelings of compassion, understanding, and care?  The coach said that leaders with a lack of empathy cannot compassionately relate to their employees' experiences and problems. Such behavior creates mistrust between employees and leaders, which results in a decrease in productivity, the erosion of team spirit, low morale, and employee turnover rate.

Inadequate Communication
I think I communicate, but do I really?  The coach shared that communication is essential to any organization's success, and that leaders need to communicate effectively to ensure that their team members understand their goals and objectives.  Leaders who do not communicate adequately fail to direct their subordinates' activities towards the attainment of the organization's objectives. This results in a lack of alignment between departments, missed deadlines and targets, confusion among employees, and ultimately, poor outcomes.

I want success and it seems that I have to ‘touch’ every decision.  Yet, my coach said leaders who micromanage their teams are often distrustful of their employees' abilities. This approach stifles creativity and innovation, lowers morale and employee motivation, leading to turnover and a lack of trust.

Unclear, Non-specific Vision
There is absolutely no question that I know where I want my firm to be in five years and I think my team knows it as well.  As an additional concern, my coach said, leaders without clear and tangible goals produce directionless teams, contributing to mediocre or unsatisfactory results. Leaders must have a clear and concise vision of their organization's goals and objectives, as a clear vision will inform workers of what is expected of them, reducing the likelihood of confusion and increasing productivity.

Workplace Culture
I believe I know the culture I am building. My coach said leaders ‘build the culture they want or get the culture they deserve, that I must cultivate a positive and inclusive workplace culture. This includes promoting a healthy work-life balance, investing in employee development, modelling desirable values, and addressing and resolving conflicts positively.

Poor Team Building
Finally, I think I know how to lead but I question that now.  The coach said, leaders who fail to cultivate high-performance teams will suffer from lower productivity, lack of innovation, and higher employee turnover rates. Leaders should focus on building the right teams with the right skills, experience and diverse background that can work collaboratively and communicate effectively with one another.

The difficulty for me now, in knowing these six problem areas, is discovering how to improve my own traits/behaviors to change them while simultaneously working in my firm to effect positive change?

I will use my peer group to address these weaknesses and grow my leadership behaviors.  My coach says I can foster a healthy and productive organizational environment, improve employee engagement and bolster the organization's success.

Yet, I know it will be done with trial and error, mistakes will be made but it can be achieved.


A Sense of Belonging


Leadership: The Other Side of the Coin